Newly Established Hamburg Hydrogen Network to ‘Make Hamburg Greener’

Hamburg, 26 April 2021 –The companies Airbus, ArcelorMittal, Gasnetz Hamburg, GreenPlug, Hamburger Hafen und Logistik, Hamburg Port Authority, HADAG Seetouristik und Fährdienst as well as Stadtreinigung Hamburg, together with the companies behind the Hamburg Green Hydrogen Hub – namely Shell, Vattenfall, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and WärmeHamburg - have formed the Hamburg Hydrogen Network (Wasserstoffverbund Hamburg).
Both the German Federal Government and the European Union want to support high-profile projects in order to lay the foundation for a strong hydrogen economy in Europe. In a first joint effort, the Hamburg Hydrogen Network has submitted an application under an EU-wide support program.
The network’s projects, linking hydrogen production, distribution and utilization across a range of applications, will contributeto significant emission reductions. Already as of 2026, the network partners’ project scould reduce CO₂ emissions in Hamburg by 170,000 tons each year. Thanksto local electrolysis, sea-side imports and connection to the emerging European hydrogen network, the Hamburg Hydrogen Network has the potential to reduce Hamburg’s current 16 million tons in CO₂ emissions by more than 1 million tons annually by 2030.
The green hydrogen produced by theHamburg Green Hydrogen Hub primarily would replace fossil fuels in industrial production as well as in the transport and logistics sector. The additional utilization of the waste heat from the electrolysis for the district heating network and the thermal treatment of municipal waste would reduce the environmental footprint of a variety of industries even further.
The planned conversion of a coalpower plant in Hamburg-Moorburg into a scalable 100-megawatt electrolysis plant for the production of green hydrogen from renewable energy, is seen as the foundation for building a complete hydrogen value chain in Hamburg. The Port ofHamburg, with its wide network of potential industrial applications and service partners, offers a unique location-specific advantage to creating a viable hydrogen economy.
Positive Spillover Effects
In addition, the network should produce a variety of positive spillover effects through out Germany and across Europe. It is already closely linked to other activities among Germany’s northern neighbors. International cross-border collaboration will be pivotal tothe creation of a viable European hydrogen economy that includes renewable energy and hydrogen production facilities, integrated infrastructure and distribution as well as a variety of demand generators from heavy industries to road, rail, water and air transport.
The application submitted by the twelve companies to the EU-wide "Important Projects of Common European Interest" (IPCEI) funding program represents nine complementary projects to achieve this objective – all in the vicinity of the Port of Hamburg. Financial support by the Federal German Government under the IPCEI program is necessary to implement this landmark interconnection project and close the price gap between green hydrogen and fossil solutions.
The nineprojects are:
HGHH -Hamburg Green Hydrogen Hub
The companies Shell, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), Vattenfall and municipal company Wärme Hamburg are planning to jointly produce hydrogen from wind and solar power at the Hamburg-Moorburg power plant site and utilize it inits vicinity. In addition to the construction of a scalable electrolyser withan initial output of 100 megawatts, the further development of the site into aso-called “Green Energy Hub” is planned. “The establishment of an electrolysis facility to produce green hydrogen on the siteof a decommissioned coal-fired power plant is a prime example of how the transformation of fossil-fuel production sites can be achieved at other locationsin Europe,” agree Fabian Ziegler (CEOShell Deutschland), Oliver Weinmann (Geschäftsführer Vattenfall Innovation GmbH), Kentaro Hosomi (Chief Regional Officer EMEA Mitsubishi Heavy Industries) und Christian Heine (CEO Wärme Hamburg).
Airbus’ ZEROeaircraft concept is a fundamental contribution to global climate goals and aims to reduce emissions from aviation in a sustainable manner. The concept of "Hydrogen for the infrastructure and production of aeronautics in NorthernGermany" (WIPLiN) provides that, in addition to the construction of ahydrogen-powered aircraft prototype, the development of hydrogen infrastructure will be promoted. "For Airbus,hydrogen is a key technology for the aviation industry of the future. This is not only about the propulsion of aircraft, but also about the infrastructure of our production site. We are one of the largest employers and industrial companies in the Hamburg region. This is why the expansion of the hydrogen industry network and further electrolysis capacity are important for us," says Dr. André Walter, Head of Airbus Commercial Germany.
Through its production of green steel, the company aims to make a significant contribution to reducing CO₂ emissions in the supply chain as part of the H2 for Hamburg (H2H) project. ArcelorMittal’s Hamburg plant will be converted to climate-neutral steel production in four steps by 2030 as part of the H2Hproject. These include the construction of a hydrogen-powered demonstration plant for the direct reduction of iron ore (H2First) and the technological upgrading of the existing direct reduction plant (H2Ready) to replace the long-term use of natural gas with green hydrogen. "In order to ensure the supply of green hydrogen, we rely on the local hydrogen industry network and a significant proportion of hydrogen from the Hamburg Green Hydrogen Hub," comments Dr. Uwe Braun, CEO ArcelorMittalHamburg.
By 2030, the company plans to build a supply-safe infrastructure for the hydrogen needs of Hamburg’s industrial sector and its national and European network through the project "Hamburger Hydrogen-Industrie-Net" (HH-WIN). Hydrogen infrastructure is the central link connecting all of these projects. The project will be developed and implemented on a demand-driven basis and in stages. "It is our declared aim to create the possibility for Hamburg's industrial companies to replace their current gas needs with climate-neutral green hydrogen. Thanks to local electrolysis, sea-side imports and the connection to the emerging European hydrogen network as well as the neighboring North German hydrogen production centers, our hydrogen network will be able to replace about 570 million cubic meters of natural gas per year and thus save 1.2 million tons of CO₂," says Christian Heine, Managing Director of the Hamburg gas network.
Through its „H2 Schubboot“ (H2SB) project, the company has designed an emissions-free pusher boat with the power to move 2,400 tons at a speed of 10 knots. The propulsion system consists of pressurized hydrogen storage tanks and fuel cells with buffer batteries that drive the ship’s propellers via a direct current network. As the first step of this project, GreenPlug plans to build and test a pusher boat. Subsequently, it will build a further nine boats and charter them to operators.“This innovative project will strengthenthe market in the design, construction and operation of ships for inlandwaterways, especially for those using hydrogen and fuel cell technology. Wewill buy green hydrogen as soon as it is available,” says Dr. Agnus Cassens,CEO of GreenPlug.
Hamburger Hafen und Logistik
The port and logistics company HHLA (Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG) plans to put various types of fuelcell heavy-duty vehicles into operation at its terminals in Hamburg (Straddle Carrier, trucks, terminal tractors, forklift trucks, empty container handlers and a shunting locomotive). "If the project is successful, we see the potential to apply the experience from Hamburg widely at our other German and numerous European sites in order to make a significant contribution to the decarbonization of European logistics," says Lars Neumann, Director Logistics, Strategy and Business Development, HamburgHafen und Logistik AG.
HamburgPort Authority
With the HydrogenPort Applications (HyPA) project, the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) is setting two different priorities as an infrastructure provider and enabler for roads, railways and waterways in the port of Hamburg. The transformation of mobility into the post-carbon era is aimed, on the one hand, at the provision of hydrogen fueling stations for locomotives, ships and trucks and, on the other,at the construction and use of innovative hydrogen-powered vessels. "Hydrogen fuel tank infrastructure inthe Hamburg harbor area allows emission-free traffic in the heavily used harbor area and is an essential step towards decarbonisation," says Jens Meier, CEO of the Hamburg PortAuthority.
HADAG Seetouristik und Fährdienst AG
As the operator of public passenger ferries in the port of Hamburg, the public company of the Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg plans the use of emission-free vessels in its fleet. The H2HADAG project envisages the conversion of three newships from diesel-hybrid to hydrogen-hybrid as well as the addition of two completely new ships (hydrogen-hybrid). "Inclose coordination with our partners, we count on the establishment of the necessary fueling infrastructure and will thus successfully gear our fleet towards thefuture," says Dr. Tobias Haack, CEO of HADAG.
Stadtreinigung Hamburg
The Hamburg CityCouncil is building the Center for Resources and Energy in Hamburg, Stellingen. With the project "Waste to Hydrogen for Hamburg", it intends to use energy from the thermal recovery of non-recyclable residual materials together with the transport companies Hamburg-Holstein, Heat Hamburg, Gas Network Hamburg and Hamburg. This electricity is to be used for electrolysis and charge batteries for e-mobility. "Thanks to our waste to energy concepts, we contribute sustainably to the use of green electricity in many other areas. This includes promoting climate-friendly mobility with alternative propulsion technologies such as hydrogen refuse vehicles or buses ", says Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Siechau, Managing Director Stadtreinigung Hamburg.